haem- or haema- or haemo- See: hem-.
haemat- or haemato- See: hem-.
hallucin- or hallucino- [Latin allucinari to prate, to dream] Denotes false perception (hallucinogen).
hapl- or haplo- (also apl- or aplo-) [Greek haploeides single] (1) single, simple (haploid); (2) denoting the haploid condition (haplotype).
hect- or hecto- [Greek hekaton a hundred] A hundred — used in metric measure (hectare, hectoliter).
hedy- or hedys- [Greek hedys sweet] In taxonomic names: Sweet (Hedysarum).
heli- or helio- [Greek helios sun] Denotes the sun, or sunlight (heliotropism).
helic- or helico- [Greek helix spiral] Helix (helicase).
helminth- or helmintho- [Greek helmis parasitic worm] Denotes parasitic worms, especially tapeworms and flatworms (helminthiasis, Platyhelminthes).
hem- or heme- or hemi- or hemo- or hemat- or hemato- (British spellings: haem- or haemo- or haemat- or haemato-) [Greek aima blood] Denotes blood (hematophagous, hemoclasia, hemoglobin, hemoptysis, hemotoxin).
hemi- [Greek hemi- half-] Half (hemizygote).
hendec- See: undec-.
hepa- or hepat- or hepato- [Greek epar liver] Liver (hepatitis, hepatomegaly, hepatorrhexis).
herpet- or herpeto- [Greek herpetos crawling, creeping] (1) denotes reptile(s) (herpetology); (2) denotes herpes (herpetic).
heter- or hetero- [Greek eteros other] Other; indicating dissimilarity (heterosporous, heterotroph, heterozygote).
hidr- or hidro- [Greek idros sweat] Denotes sweat (hidradenoma, hidroschesis).
hipp- or hippo- [Greek ippos horse] Denotes horse (hippobos).
hist- or histo- or histi- or histio- [Greek istos tissue] Denotes tissue (histamine, histology, histotome, histotomy).
hol- or holo- [Greek ilos whole] Complete, whole, unsegmented (holarctic, holometabolous).
hom- or homi- [Latin homo man, human being] Human (hominids, Hominidae, hominine, hominins, hominoid, ).
hom- or homo- or homeo- [Greek homos same] Same, similar (homogametic, homolog, homotaxis, homozygote).
humer- or humero- [Latin humerus upper arm, shoulder] Denotes the humerus (humeroulnar).
hyal- or hyalo- [Greek yalos glass] (1) transparent (hyaline); (2) pertaining to the vitreous humor (hyaloiditis).
hydr- or hydra- or hydro- [Greek ydor water] (1) relating to water (hydrocephalic); (2) containing hydrogen (hydrocarbon).
hyo- [Greek yoeides U-shaped — the hyoid is U-shaped] Pertaining to the hyoid bone (hyoepiglottic).
hyp- or hyph- or hypo- [Greek ypo under] Under, beneath, low (hypochondriac, hypochromia, hypogeal, hypoxanthine).
hyper- [Greek yper above] Over, above, beyond (hypercalcemia, hyperglycemia, hyperosmotic, hyperostosis, hyperphoria, hypertension).
hyps- or hypso- [Greek ypsi high] Height, elevation (hypsodont).
hyster- or hystero- [Greek ystera uterus] Denotes the uterus (hysterectomy, hysterorrhexis, hysterotrismus).
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