macro- [Greek makros long, tall, high, large] Large, long, big (macroevolution, macrophage).
mal- or male- [Latin mal bad, evil, wicked; ugly] Bad(ly), evil(ly), poor(ly), abnormal(ly) (malpresentation).
mann- or manno- [from mannose] Pertaining to, involving, or structured like mannose (mannosamine).
mast- or masto- [Greek mastos breast, udder] Breast, udder (mastology).
matr- or matri- [Latin mater mother] Mother (matrilineal).
medi- or medio- [Latin medius middle, middle of, mid, neutral, ordinary] In the middle (mediocarpal).
medull- or medullo- [Latin medulla marrow, innermost part] Denotes marrow (medullitis).
meg- or mega- or megal- or megalo- [Greek megas, megale big, great, full-grown, vast, high] (1) great, large (megadont, megalocephaly); (2) one million (megamole).
melan- or melano- [Greek melas, melan- dark, black, murky] Black, dark (melanosome).
mening- or meningio- [Greek meninx membrane] Relating to the meninges (meningitis).
mer- or mero- [Greek meros share, portion, part] Part, partial, segmented (merozoite).
mero- [Greek meros thigh, femur] Denotes the thigh (merocoxalgia).
mes- or meso- [Greek mesos middle, in the middle] (1) middle (mesoderm, Mesozoic); (2) mesentery (mesoileum).
met- or meta- or meto- [Greek meta among, between, after, later, along with] (1) occurring after, succeeding (metagenesis); (2) beyond (metacarpus); (3) behind, posterior (metencephalon); (4) later, more advanced (Metazoa); (5) across (metoxenous); (5) chemistry: in meta-substitution, the substituents occupy positions 1 and 3 (see explanatory diagram).
metall- or metallo- [Latin metallum metal] Denotes metal(s) (metallophobia).
metop- or metopo- [Greek metopon brow, forehead] Forehead (metopodynia).
metr- or metra- or metro- [Greek metra uterus] Relating to the uterus, uterine (metritis, metrocarcinoma).
mi- or mio- or meio- [Greek meion less] Less, smaller, reduction (Miocene, meiosis).
micr- or micro- [Greek mikros small] (1) small; (2) one millionth (microliter).
mid- [from Old English midd middle] Middle, in the middle (midlands, mid-incisor).
milli- [Latin mille thousand] One thousandth (milliliter).
mis- [from Old English mis-] Incorrect(ly), improper(ly) (misclassification).
mis- or miso- [Greek misos hatred] Hatred (misogynist).
mit- or mito- [Greek mitos thread] (1) thread (mitochondrion, mitosis) (2) mitosis (mitoinhibitory).
mon- or mono- [Greek monos alone, solitary] Single (monocotyledon, monocyte, monoecious, monosaccharides, monosomy, monotreme).
morph- or morpho- [Greek morphe form, shape, kind, sort] Form, shape, type, structure (morphology).
muc- or muco- [Latin mucus mucus, snot] Pertaining to mucus or mucous membrane (mucigen).
multi- [Latin multus many] Many (multiplexing).
muscul- or musculo- [Latin musculus muscle] Pertaining to muscle (musculocutaneous).
my- or myo- [Greek myon muscle] Of or relating to muscle (myoatrophy, myalgia).
myc- or myco- [Greek mykes mushroom] Fungus, mushroom (Mycobacterium, mycology, mycosis).
myel- or myelo- [Greek myelos marrow] (1) of or relating to marrow (myelocyte); (2) relating to the spinal cord (myelodysplasia)
myri- or myria- or myrio- [Greek myrioi ten thousand] Countless, extremely numerous (myriapod).
myria- [Greek myrioi ten thousand] Ten thousand (myriameter).
myx- or myxo- [Greek myxa mucus] Of or relating to mucus or slime (myxobacterium).
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