nan- or nano- or nann- or nanno- [Latin nanus Greek nannos dwarf] Dwarf (Nannippus).
nano- [Latin nanus dwarf] Metric prefix: one billionth (10-9) (nanoliter, nanometer, nanosecond).
nas- or naso- [Latin nasus, nasi nose] Nose (nasitis, nasopalatine, nasopharynx).
necr- or necro- [Greek nekros dead, dying person, corpse] Of or relating to death or dead things (necrosis).
nem- or nema- or nemo- or nemat- or nemato- [Greek nema, nemata thread] Thread (nematode, nematoid).
neo- [Greek neo- new-] New (neoplasm).
nephr- or nephra- or nephro- [Greek nephros kidney] Kidney, kidney-shaped (nephric, nephritis).
nerv- or nervi- or nervo- [Latin nervus sinew, muscle, nerve; cord, string] Denotes nerve(s), nervous tissue, or the nervous system (nervomuscular).
neur- or neuri- or neuro- [Greek neuron sinew, tendon] Denotes nerve(s), nervous tissue, or the nervous system (neuralgia).
nid- or nidi- or nido- [Latin nidus, nidi nest] Denotes nest (nidology, nidifugous).
nigr- [Latin niger, nigra, nigrum black, dark] Black, dark (nigricans)
nipho- [Greek nipha snow] Denotes snow (used in taxonomic names) (Microstrobos niphophilus)
nitr- or nitro- [Latin nitrum Greek nitron natron] Nitrogen, nitrate (Nitrobacter).
niv- [Latin nix, nivis snow] Snow (nival)
noc- or noci- [Latin nocere harm, hurt; injure] To harm, harmful, injury (nociceptor).
noct- or nocti- or nocto- [Latin nox, noctis night] Night (nocturnal).
nod- or nodi- or nodo- [Latin nodus, nodi node, knot] Having, being, or resembling a node or nodes (nodule).
non- [Latin non-] Not (nonchitinous).
nona- [Latin nonus ninth] Nine (nonahydrate).
norm- or normo- [Latin normalis forming a right angle] Normal, usual (normocytosis).
noso- [Greek nosos disease] Denotes disease (nosocomial, nosography).
not- or noto- [Greek notos south wind, south] South, southern (used in taxonomic names, particularly of Australian organisms) ( Notomys).
not- or noto- [Greek notos back] Back, at the back (notochord).
noth- or notho- [Greek nothos bastard, baseborn, spurious] False, bastard, hybrid (nothology).
nov- or novo- [Latin novus, nova, novum new, fresh, young, unusual] New (novobiocin).
novem- [Latin novem nine] nine (November).
nuc- [Latin nux, nucis nut] Nut (nucellus, nuciform).
nucle- or nucleo- [Latin nucleus inside of a nut, nucleus] Nucleus (nucleolus, nucleoplasm, nucleosome, nucleotide).
nudi- [Latin nudus, nuda, nudum naked, bare, stripped] Naked, uncovered (nudibranch).
numm- [Latin nummus, nummi coin, cash, money] Coin (nummiform, nummular).
nut- [Latin nutus nod, command] Refers to nodding (nutation).
nyct- or nycti- or nycto- [Greek nux, nyctos night] Night, nighttime (nyctalgia, nycturia).