pachy- [Greek pachys thick, stout] Thick (pachytene).
paed- or paedo- See: ped(o)-.
paid- or paido- See: ped(o)-.
paleo- (British spelling: palaeo-) [Greek palaios old, ancient] Old, ancient (Paleocene).
paludi- [Latin paludis swamp, marsh] Swamp, marsh (paludicolous).
pan- or pant- or panto- [Greek prefix pan-, pant- all-] All, entire (panspermia, panmixia).
papill- or papilli- or papillo- [Latin papilla nipple, teat, dug] Denotes a papilla (papillectomy, papillate).
papul- or papulo- [Latin papilla papule, pustule] Papule or a papula (papular, papuliferous).
par- or para- [Greek prefix para- beside, past, beyond, along, near, by, from, together] (1) ear, beyond, outside of, abnormal, alongside, by, from, together (paracentric inversion); (2) chemistry: in para-substitution, the substituents occupy positions 1 and 4 (see explanatory diagram>> ).
parthen- or partheno- [Greek prefix parthena virgin] Virgin (parthenogenesis).
path- or patho- [Greek pathe suffering, misfortune] Disease, suffering (pathology, pathogen).
patr- or patri- [Latin pater father] Father (patrilineal).
ped- or pedo- or paid- or paido- (British spelling: paed- or paedo-) [Greek paidon young child] Denotes children (or young organisms of any kind) (pediatrics).
ped- or pedi- or pedo- [Latin pes, pedis foot] Foot, feet, relating to feet (pedipalp, peduncle).
pel- or pelo- [Greek pelos clay, mud, mire] Of, involving, or pertaining to clay or mud (Pelomyxa).
pelvi- or pelvio- or pelvo- [Latin pelvis shallow basin] Denotes the pelvis (pelvic opening).
pen- or peo- [Latin penis penis] Denotes the penis (penitis, peotomy).
penn- or penni- or penno- [Latin penna feather] Feather (pennate, penniform).
per- [Latin per through, during, by] Through, during (perfusion).
peri- [Greek peri round about, around, all around] All around, about, enclosing, surrounding (pericentric inversion).
pericardi- [Greek perikardios around the heart] Pericardium (pericardial, pericarditic, pericarditis).
peta- [prefix in International System of Units] 1015 (petaFLOPS).
periss- or perisso- [Greek perissos odd, superfluous, excessive] Odd in number (perissodactyl).
petr- or petri- or petro- [Latin petra rock, boulder, stone] (1) denotes stone (petrifaction); (2) referring to the petrous portion of the mastoid (petrosphenoid).
phac- or phaco- [Greek phakos lentil, anything shaped like a lentil -- hence the sense of lens] (1) denotes the lens of the eye (phacosclerosis, phacoeresis); (2) lentil, lentil-shaped (phacolith).
phag- or phago- [Greek phagein to eat] Eating, feeding, ingesting, engulfing (phagocytyosis).
phak- or phako- Alternate spellings of phac(o)-.
phall- or phallo- [Greek phallos penis] Denotes the penis (phallodynia, phallorrhagia).
phaner- or phanero- [Greek phaneros visible, manifest] Visible, evident, manifest (Phanerozoic Eon).
phalang- [Greek phalanx finger or toe bone] Denotes phalanx (phalangeal).
pharmac- or pharmaco- [Greek pharmakon drug, medicine, potion, poison] Denotes drug(s) or medication(s) (pharmacology).
pharyng- or pharyngo- pharynx (pharyngeal).
phil- or philo- [Greek phileo to love, regard with affection] Enjoying, loving, attracted to, requiring (philoneism).
phleb- or phlebo- [Greek phleps blood vessel (vein or artery)] Vein (phlebitis, phleboclysis, phlebotomy).
phoc- or phoco- [Latin phoca seal (the marine mammal)] Seal (phocomelia).
phon- or phono- [Greek phonema sound, utterance] Sound, utterance (phonic, phonocardiography).
phot- or photo- [Greek photiso shine, give light] Denotes light (photesthesis, phototaxis).
phren- or phreno- or phrenic- or phrenico- [Greek phren mind] (1) mind, brain (phrenosin); (2) diaphragm (phrenocolopexy, phrenicoexalresis).
phyc- or phyco- [Greek phykos seaweed] Relating to algae or seaweed (phycology).
phyl- or phylo- [Greek phylon tribe, race] Related group (phylogeny).
phylact- or phylacto- [Greek phylakeia guard, protection] Protective (phylactocarp).
phyll- or phyllo- [Greek phyllon leaf] Denotes leaf (Phyllopoda).
phys- or physo- [Greek physa bellows] Denotes distention with gas (physometra).
phyt- or phyto- [Greek phyton plant] Plant (phytohormone, phytolith, phytophagous, phytoplankton, phytosterol).
pico- [derivation uncertain, perhaps from Italian piccolo small] One trillionth (10-12) (picogram).
picr- or picro- [Greek pikros bitter] Bitter (picrotoxin).
pil- or pili- or pilo- [Latin pilus hair] Denotes hair (piliform, pilocystic, pilose).
pisci- [Latin piscus fish] Fish (piscifauna, piscine, piscivorous).
pithec- or pitheco- [Greek pithekos ape, monkey] Ape (Pithecanthropus).
plan- or plano- [Greek planos wandering] Wandering, motile (plankton, planogamete).
plan- or plano- [Latin planus flat] Flat (planoccipital).
plasm- or plasmo- [Greek plasm anything formed or molded] Plasma, cytoplasm, protoplasm (plasmolysis).
plast- or plasto- [Greek plasm anything formed or molded] Cytoplasm, plastid (plastocyanin).
platy- [Greek platys flat, level] Flat (Platyhelminthes, platyrrhine).
pleur- or pleuro- [Greek pleura rib, side] Relating to the pleura (pleural).
plur- or pluri- [Latin plus, pluris more, too much] More (pluridyscrina, plurigravida, pluripotency).
pneo- [Greek pneo to breathe] Breath (pneograph).
pneu- or pneum- or pneumo-or pneumono- [Greek pneumon lung and pneo to breathe] Relating to air or the lungs (pneumonia, pneumonopathy)
pod- or podo- [Greek pous, podos, podi, poa foot] (1) foot, hoof; of or relating to feet or hooves (pododynia); (2) stalk (Podocarpus).
poecil- or poecilo- or poikil- or poikilo- [Greek poikilos spotted, varied, changeable] Varying, variegated (poikilothermy).
poli- or polio- [Greek polios gray] (1) gray (poliosis); (2) relating to the gray matter of the nervous system (poliomyelitis).
poly- [Greek poly- many, much, too much, excessive] (1) many, much, multiple (polymorphonuclear, polyploidy); (2) increased, excessive (polyphagia, polyuria).
poro- [Greek poros pore] Pore, stoma (porometer).
post- [Latin post behind, after, afterwards] After, behind (postcranial, postpartum, posterior).
pre- [Latin prae before, in front of, forward] In front of, anterior to (precocial, premolar).
pro- [Latin pro- before, beforehand] Before, earlier than, preceding (proamnion, procercoid, Promammalia).
pro- [Latin pro on behalf of, for] Favoring, supporting, preceding (progesterone).
proprio- [Latin proprius (adj.) own, characteristic] One's own, individually characteristic (proprioception).
pros- or proso- [Greek proso forward] Forward, in front (prosethmoid, prosogaster, Prosostomata).
prosop- or prosopo- [Greek prosopon person, face] Face (prosopic, prosopagnosia).
prostat- or prostato- [from prostate] Prostate (prostatectomy).
prot- or proto- or proter- or protero- [Greek proto- first (in time)] (1) first in temporal order (protoblast, Proterozoic); (2) archetypal (protomorph).
pseud- or pseudo- [Greek pseudo- false] False (pseudoesthesia).
psittac- or psittaco- [Latin psittacus Parrot] Parrot (psittacine, psittacism).
psych- or psycho- [Greek psyche life, spirit, soul, mind, consciousness] The mind (psychokinesis).
psychro- [Greek psychros cold] Cold (psychrophilous).
pter- or ptero- [Greek pteron feathers, wing, winged one] Feather, wing (pterosaur).
pterid- or pterido- [Greek pteris fern] Fern (pteridophytes).
pteryg- or pterygo- [Greek pteron feathers, wing, winged one] (1) wing (Pterygodium); (2) pterygoid (pterygomalar).
ptil- or ptilo- [Greek pteron feathers, wing, winged one] Feather (ptilopod).
ptyal- or ptyalo- [Greek ptyalon sputum, saliva] Saliva (ptyalagogue).
pub- or pubio- or pubo- [Latin pubescere to reach physical maturity, grow body hair] Denotes pubic hair, pubic bone, or pubic region (puboprostatic).
puli- [Latin pulex, pulicis flea] Fleas (pulicide).
pulmo- or pulmon- or pulmono- [Latin pulmo, pulmonis lung] Denotes lung (pulmometer).
pur- or puro- [Latin pus, puris pus] Denotes pus or the presence of pus (purulent).
py- or pyo- [Greek pyon pus] Pus (pyorrhea, pyuria).
pycn- or pycno- or pykn- or pykno- [Greek pyknos close, compact, narrow, constricted] Compact, dense, thick (pyknometer).
pyel- or pyelo- [Greek pyelos tub, vat, trough] Denotes the pelvis renalis (pyelolithotomy).
pyg- or pygo- [Greek pyge rump, buttocks] Denotes the nates (pygopagus).
pyle- or pylo- [Greek pyle orifice] Orifice (pylorus).
pylor- or pyloro- [Greek pyloros gatekeeper] Pertaining to the pylorus (pylorectomy, pylorostenosis).
pyr- or pyro- [Greek pyr fire] Fire, heat (pyropuncture).
quadr- or quadri- or quadru- [Latin quadr- four- from quattuor four] Four, having four parts (quadruped, quadriplegia).
quinqu- or quinque- or quint- or quinti- [Latin quinque, quintus five] Five, having five parts (quintipara, quintuplet).
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