tach- or tacho- or tachy- [Greek tachos speed] Swift, rapid, accelerated (tachygenesis).
taen- or taenio- or taeno- or ten- [Greek tainia band, headband] Denotes tapeworm(s) (teniform, teniasis).
taph- or tapho- [Greek taphos funeral, tomb, grave] Burial, grave (taphonomy).
tars- or tarso- [Greek tarsos podos flat of the foot] Denotes the tarsus (tarsotibial).
taut- or tauto- [Greek tautos the same, identical] Identical (tautomerism).
tax- or taxo- [Greek taxis arrangement, order] Denotes arrangement or ordering (taxonomy).
teg- or tegu- [Latin tegmen covering, protection; clothing, armor, skin, shell, husk] Covering, skin, armor (tegmen).
tel- or tele- or telo- [Greek telos end] End, completion (telomere, telophase).
tele- [Greek tele distant] Distant (teleceptor).
ten- See: taen-.
tera- [prefix in International System of Units] trillion (1012) (terabyte).
tetr- or tetra- [Greek tetra four] Four, having four parts (tetramer, tetraploid, tetrapod).
tetrahydr- or tetrahydro- [tetra- + hydro-] Indicates a molecule containing four hydrogen atoms (tetrahydrofolate).
thec- or theci- or theco- [Latin theca case, box, cover, envelope, container] Sac, capsule, sporecase (theca).
therio- [Greek therion wild animal] Beast, mammal (theriomorph).
therm- or thermo- [Greek therme heat] Heat, hot (thermolabile).
thi- or thio- [Greek theion sulfur] Sulfur (thiamin, thiophil).
thorac- or thoraco- [Latin thorax chest] Chest (thoracoepigastric).
thromb- or thrombo- [Greek thrombos lump, clot of blood] Denotes a thrombus (thrombocyte, thrombosis).
thyr- or thyreo- or thyro- or thyroid- [Greek thyreos oblong shield] Refers to the thyroid gland (thyrohyoid, thyroidectomy) or, more broadly, to anything shield-shaped (thyroid).
tibi- or tibio- [Latin tibia pipe, shinbone] Denotes the tibia (tibiofemoral).
toco- (also, rarely: toko-) [Greek tokeus father, sire] Denotes birth (tocology).
tono- [Greek tonos pressure] Pressure (tonoplast, tonotaxis).
tox- or toxi- or toxo- [Greek toxon bow] (1) arched, bowlike (Toxodonta) (2) arrow-shaped (Toxoglossa).
tox- or toxi- or toxic- or toxico- or toxo- [Latin toxicum poison] Poisonous, toxic (toxicity).
trache- or tracheo [Greek trachelos throat, neck] Relating to the trachea (trachealgia).
trachel- or trachelo [Greek trachelos throat, neck] Denotes the neck (trachelomastoid).
trans- [Latin trans across, beyond, on the other side] Across (transfection, transposon).
tri- [Greek tri thrice] Three, triple (trichocyst).
trich- or tricho- [Greek thrix the hair of the head] Hair, filament (tricuspid).
tripl- or tripla- or tripli- or triplo- [Greek triploos threefold, triple] Triple (triploblastic, triploid).
troph- or tropho- [Greek trophe nourishment, food] Relating to nutrition (trophoblast).
trop- or tropo- [Greek tropos turn, direction, way] turn, rotation (tropometer).
trop- or tropa- [from tropine] (1) tropine; (2) atropine.
trypan- or trypano- [Latin trypanon auger] (1) borer, auger, spiral (Trypanosoma); (2) trypanosome (trypanosomiasis).
tubo- [Latin tubus pipe, trumpet] Denotes a tube (tuboperitoneal).
tympan- or tympano- [Latin tympanus drum] Relating to the tympanic membrane (tympanotomy).
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