Cabbit Videos

Cat-rabbit Hybrids?

Mammalian Hybrids

You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.
Mark Twain
Cabbit Screenshot from one of the videos on this page. Is this animal a cat-rabbit hybrid? Note the plantigrade condition of the hind feet (characteristic of rabbits) combined with a body that is cat-like in its fore parts.

Note: This disparate cross requires confirmation.

A variety of cabbit videos, that is, videos showing ostensible cat-rabbit hybrids, are collected on this page (if you know of others, please email us through the website contact page). Cabbits are supposedly cat-rabbit hybrids, and the animals shown here do all look like they have the front end of a cat attached to a hopping, rabbit rear end. So are they in fact cat-rabbit hybrids? Judge for yourself. But it does look as if it would be worthwhile to test these animals genetically.

Video: An ostensible cabbit (low resolution footage)

Video: Another ostensible cabbit (from Tucuman, Argentina):

Video: A second video of the animal shown in the video immediately above (from Tucuman, Argentina):

Video: A third video of the same animal shown in the previous two videos (from Tucuman, Argentina). This has good views of the animal standing on its hindlegs:

Video: This one is good for seeing how they hop

Video: Another ostensible cabbit

Video: Another ostensible cabbit. (Before you get a good look at this animal, the first two-thirds of the video, about a minute, is spent in searching for it.)

Video: Another case (Scuttles the "rabbit" plays)

Video: A gatonejo (Spanish for cabbit) in Puerto Rico

Video: A Salvadoran gatonejo (another Spanish language video).

Video: A Venezuelan gatonejo (when this animal is on its owner's shoulder and the front portion of its body is out of sight, note how similar it's rear legs and hindquarters are to those of a rabbit):

Video: Gatonejo! (Another Spanish language video showing an ostensible cabbit.)

Video: A buck rabbit mating with a female cat. Just to show that these animals are willing to mate. (Such videos are common on YouTube.)

Video: Another buck rabbit mating with a female cat (Spanish language):

Video: Another ostensible cabbit:

A list of cat crosses

The following is a list of reported cat crosses. Some of these crosses are much better documented than others (as indicated by the reliability arrow). Indeed, some might seem completely impossible. But all have been reported at least once. The links below are to separate articles. Additional crosses, not listed here, are covered on the cat hybrids page.

dog-cow hybrid A dog-cow hybrid?
reliability arrow

Cat × Wildcat >>

Lion × Tiger >>

Jaguar × Lion >>

Leopard × Lion >>

Jaguar × Leopard >>

Cat × Pallas’s Cat >>

Cat × Rabbit (Cabbits) >>

Cat × Marten >>

Leopard × Tiger >>

Cat × Dog >>

Cat × Raccoon >>

Cat × Possum>>

Cat × Chicken >>

Cat × Kangaroo>>

Puma × Bear >>

Puma × Dog >>

Cat × Duck >>

Cat × Human >>

Cat × Rat >>

Cat × Opossum >>

Cat × Squirrel >>

Cat × Horse >>

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