Two satyrs (exterior relief, Cathedral of María Inmaculada of Vitoria, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain)

Detail from
Funeral of a Satyr (
Les Obseques, Claude Gillot, ca. 1700–1720)

A sheep-human hybrid (Alte Hofhaltung, Bamberg, Germany)

Walter Crane’s illustration of the fable of “The Satyr and the Traveller” (
Baby’s Own Aesop, London, 1887).

Three boys, a young satyr and a goat (Wenceslaus Hollar, 1647)

Youth Playing a Pipe for a Satyr (Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione).

Satyr (Gilles Demarteau, after François Boucher).

Satyr Family (Albrecht Dürer, 1505).
The Flaying of Marsyas (Titian, c. 1570).

Apollo Flaying Marsyas (Antonio Tempesta, 1606).

Pan teaching Daphnis to play the pipes (Roman copy of Greek original; Pompeii, before 79 A.D.).
Faun and nymph (Workshop of Peter Paul Rubens).
Jupiter and Antiope (Charles-Andre van Loo).
Corisca and the Satyr (Artemisia Gentileschi).