Caprinid-human hybrids
Goat or Sheep × Human
Myth and early reports
Gray Superstition’s whisper dread
Debarred the spot to vulgar tread;
For there, she said, did fays resort,
And satyrs hold their sylvan court,
By moonlight tread their mystic maze,
And blast the rash beholder’s gaze.
—Sir Walter Scott The Lady of the Lake

Pan teaching the shepherd Daphnis to play the pipes. Roman copy of Greek original (found at Pompeii, therefore dating to before 79 CE).
Note: Caprinids are members of the division (Caprinae) of Family Bovidae that includes goats and sheep.
In his biography of Sulla, Plutarch gives the following account of a satyr. Satyrs, which many Romans believed actually to exist, were supposed to be creatures half goat and half human (like Pan in the image at right).
Sulla, having marched through Thessaly and Macedon to the seacoast, prepared with twelve hundred vessels to cross over from Dyrrhachium [modern Durrës] to Brundusium [modern Brindisi]. Not far from thence is Apollonia, and near it the Nymphaeum . . . there they say, a satyr, such as statuaries and painters represent, was caught asleep, and brought before Sulla, where he was asked by several interpreters who he was, and, after much trouble, at last uttered nothing intelligible, but a harsh noise, something between the neighing of a horse and the crying of a goat.
A modern-day satyrA nineteenth-century news report gives an account of an incoherent satyr reminiscent of Plutarch’s:
“The residents of Jeffersonville, Ind., were startled a few days ago, it is reported, at sight of a strange being passing through the town. The freak was a negro, who walked on all fours, and whose body in many respects resembled that of some animal. His hands and feet looked like hoofs. He could not talk so anyone could understand him, and was supposed to be bound for Cincinnati.”
Source: The Kimball Graphic, (May 11, 1888, p. 4, col. 5), a newspaper published in Kimball, South Dakota.
The Nymphaeum near Apollonia was sacred to the god Pan and to the nymphs, the female nature entities of ancient myth, and the supposed frequent prey of lustful satyrs. In fable, they often accompany the higher divinities, in particular Apollo, and rustic gods such as Artemis, Dionysus, Pan, and Hermes (as the god of shepherds).
The Greeks used the word satyr to refer to a different sort of animal. Instead of goat-human hybrids, as the Romans imagined them, a Greek would have described a satyr as a cross between a human and a horse, more like a centaur. But by Roman times satyrs had morphed in the popular imagination into goat-human creatures and were generally conflated with fauns, which were also human above and goat below (see the paintings of fauns on this page). Generally speaking, however, satyrs were more lusty than fauns.

Jordaens Jacob -
Infant Zeus Fed by the Goat Amalthea
Classical literature is rife with accounts such as Plutarch’s, and the authors of these stories often represented them as real events. A passage in Pausanius (Description of Greece, 1.23.5-6) is an example:
Euphemus the Carian said that on a voyage to Italy he was driven out of his course by winds and was carried into the outer sea, beyond the course of seamen. He affirmed that there were many uninhabited islands, while in others lived wild men. The sailors did not wish to put in at the latter, because, having put in before, they had some experience of the inhabitants, but on this occasion they had no choice in the matter. The islands were called Satyrides by the sailors, and the inhabitants were red haired, and had upon their flanks tails not much smaller than those of horses. As soon as they caught sight of their visitors, they ran down to the ship without uttering a cry and assaulted the women in the ship. At last the sailors in fear cast a foreign woman onto the island. Her the Satyrs outraged not only in the usual way, but also in a most shocking manner.
In his geographical description of the Roman Empire, Pliny (5.1.7), while giving what supposedly was a factual account of the Atlas Mountains in northwestern Africa, mentions that at night its highest peak
flashes with frequent fires and swarms with the wanton gambols of Goat-Pans and Satyrs, and echoes with the music of flutes and pipes and sound of drums and cymbals. These stories have been published by celebrated authors…
In Roman times it was widely accepted that humans could hybridize with animals (which seems more reasonable than is now generally believed, given that the hundreds of reports relating to such hybridization that have been documented elsewhere on this website). Thus, in his De Natura Animalium (VI, 42), the Roman author Aelian (c. 175 - c. 235 CE) tells a story that reflects a belief in, and even an approval of, events that most people today would regard as myth, and that many would even reject as obscene and impossible.
Satyr and nymphs. William-Adolphe Bouguereau.
An Italian story, which records an event that occurred when affairs were at their prime in the city of Sybaris, has reached my ears and is worth relating. A mere boy, a goatherd by occupation, whose name was Crathis, under an erotic impulse lay with the prettiest of his goats, and took pleasure in the union, and whenever he wanted sexual pleasure he would go to her; and he kept her as his darling. Moreover the amorous goatherd would bring to his loved one aforesaid such gifts as he could procure, offering her sometimes the loveliest twigs of tree-medick, and often bindweed and mastic to eat, so making her mouth fragrant for him if he should want to kiss her. And he even prepared for her, as for a bride, a leafy bed ever so luxurious and soft to sleep in. But the he-goat, the leader of the flock, did not observe these proceedings with indifference, but was filled with jealousy. For a time however he dissembled his anger and watched for the boy to be seated and asleep; and there he was, his face dropped forward on his chest. So with all the force at his command the he-goat dashed his head against him and smashed the fore-part of his skull. The event reached the ears of the inhabitants, and it was no mean tomb that they erected for the boy; and they called their river “the Crathis” after him. From his union with the she-goat a baby was born with the legs of a goat and the face of a man. The story goes that he was deified and was worshipped as a god of the woods and vales. From the goat we learn that animals have indeed their share of jealousy.
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Aldrovandi's depiction of the goat-human of Sybaris. Aldrovandi, who cited Caelius Rhodigenius, thought this event occurred in 1547.
In very ancient times in Egypt and Mesopotamia such hybrids were not only accepted, but even viewed in a sacred light. And it seems that human-animal hybrids were interpreted as prodigious avatars of the gods, even as they still are among the Hindus today. Indeed, it seems that there were even attempts to produce such “deities,” which Christians later chose to forget. As the English cleric Edward Topsell (circa 1572 - 1625) commented in The History of Four-footed Beasts,
such was the unmemorable vanity of the Heathens in their gods and sacrifices, as it rather deserveth perpetuall oblivion than remembrance, for they joyned the shapes of men and beasts together to make gods.
Thus, Budge (Gods of the Egyptians, 1904, p. 353) writes: “At several places in the [Nile] Delta, e.g., Hermopolis, Lycopolis and Mendes the god Pan and a goat were worshipped. Strabo, quoting (17.1.19) Pindar, says that in these places goats had intercourse with women. Herodotus (2.46) instances a case which was said to have taken place in the open day (excerpted from Macaulay 1890):
Now the reason why those of the Egyptians whom I have mentioned do not sacrifice goats, female or male, is this: the Mendesians count Pan to be one of the eight gods (now these eight gods they say came into being before the twelve gods), and the painters and image-makers represent in painting and in sculpture the figure of Pan, just as the Hellenes do, with goat’s face and legs, not supposing him to be really like this but to resemble the other gods; the cause however why they represent him in this form I prefer not to say. The Mendesians then reverence all goats and the males more than the females (and the goatherds too have greater honour than other herdsmen), but of the goats one especially is reverenced, and when he dies there is great mourning in all the Mendesian district: and both the goat and Pan are called in the Egyptian tongue Mendes. Moreover in my lifetime there happened in that district this marvel, that is to say a he-goat had intercourse with a woman publicly, and this was so done that all men might have evidence of it.
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The Egyptian god Khnum, a sheep-human hybrid

Goat-human or gazelle-human hybrid (Egyptian, 18th Dynasty,
Collection of the British Museum).

Sheep-human hybrid (Egyptian, 18th Dynasty).
Indeed, it seems the Egyptians were far more intimate with animals than would be considered normal in Western culture today, or even in certain other ancient cultures. Herodotus (c. 484 – c. 425 BC), who was an eyewitness of their customs, listed many ways in which the people of the Nile differed from those of other nations. He saw one such difference in their relationships with animals. "All other men pass their lives separate from animals, the Egyptians have animals always living with them" (Persian Wars, II.36).

St. Thomas Aquinas
1225 - 1274 A.D.
But even the Jews, who had severe laws against sexual contact with animals, must have had transgressors among them who did engage in such acts. Otherwise, the laws would have been unnecessary. And in the Old Testament there are various references to such behavior. It is widely said that it was sheerly out of jealousy that the brothers of Joseph sold him into slavery in Egypt. But it seems that English translations of their motives have been sanitized. In the Vulgate (Genesis 37:2) it is stated that after tending the flocks with his brothers, he went to his father and “accused them of the worst of crimes” (“accusavitque fratres suos apud patrem crimine pessimo”). This is confirmed by St. Thomas Aquinas, who, in the Summa Theologica (II-II, 154, 12), states that the most grievous sin “is the sin of bestiality, because use of the due species is not observed. Hence a gloss on Gn. 37:2, ‘He accused his brethren of a most wicked crime,’ says that ‘they copulated with cattle.’” So their motive for selling Joseph was much stronger than mere jealousy. The penalty for the crime he had accused them of was death.

St. Jerome
347 - 420 A.D.
On into the Christian era, reports about humano-caprinids continued to crop up. St. Jerome in The Life of Paul the First Hermit (§8), states that during the reign of Constantine (306 to 337 A.D.), a goat-human or satyr “was brought alive to Alexandria and shown as a wonderful sight to the people. Afterwards his lifeless body, to prevent its decay through the summer heat, was preserved in salt and brought to Antioch that the Emperor might see it.” Jerome adds that “it was a matter of which the whole world was witness.”§ With regard to this creature, Topsell (ibid) remarked that
when it was dead and bowelled, they pouldred it with spices, and carried it to be seen at Constantinople: the which having been seen of the ancient Grecians, were so amazed at the strangeness thereof, that they received it for a god.

St. Anthony and the Satyr (Detail from the Skete of Saint Demetrius, Vatopedi, Mount Athos, Greece). In
The Life of Paul the First Hermit, which was written in the year 374 or 375, Jerome describes how Anthony supposedly encountered a satyr in the Syrian Desert. He also states that such a creature was brought to Constantinople during the time of Constantine.
In another early account, Johann Carion (Chronica, 1588, p. 614) records that under the reign of the Byzantine emperor Michael VII Doukas (1071 to 1078), a woman gave birth to a cyclopean child with the feet of a goat and a single eye in the middle of its forehead.

Pierre Bayle
According to Pierre Bayle (
1735, vol. III, p. 20), when the Duke of Nevers passed over from Italy into France to come to the aid of Charles IX in 1562, he brought with him a contingent of 3,000 Italian auxiliaries. These men, says Bayle brought with them 2,000 she-goats caparisoned in green velvet trimmed with gold, which “were so many mistresses for himself [that is, the Duke] and all his officers.”
During the Dark Ages—when Christian jurists came widely to believe that Satan made a habit of seducing witches in animal form, often that of a goat—any seeming half-human birth came to be viewed as a manifestation of great evil. And up until about 1700, any woman who gave birth to such an offspring ran a grave risk of being burnt at the stake. Indeed, Satan himself was often depicted as a goat-human hybrid, similar in aspect to the pagan god Pan.
Writing during the reign of Elizabeth I, Batman (1581) tells of a cyclops found in England that, from his account, he clearly believed to be a human-sheep hybrid. His comments are those of an individual, but their tone reflects the marked shift in attitude society had undergone since ancient times with respect to such matters. What to the pagan had been a mere foible, to the Christian had become a black sin against nature.
At Birdham near Chichester in Sussex, about twenty-three years ago, there was a monster found upon the common, having the form and figure of a man in the fore-part, having two arms and hands, and a human visage, with only one eye† in the middle of his forehead: the hinder part was like a lamb. … This young monster was nailed up in the church porch of the said parish, and exposed to public view a long time, as a monument of divine judgement.
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A Renaissance etching of a caprinid-human hybrid "lately found in the new possessions of the King of Portugal" (Giovanni Battista de' Cavalieri,
Opera nel a quale vie molti Mostri de tute le parti del mondo antichi et moderni ..., 1585,
Collection of the British Museum).

Topsell’s picture of “Aegopithecus”
Aegopithecus. Edward Topsell, in
The History of Four-footed Beasts (1607), tells us that
“Under the Equinoctial toward the East and South, there is a kind of Ape called
Aegopithecus, an Ape like a Goat. For there are Apes like Bears, called
Arctopitheci, and some like Lions, called
Leontopitheci, and some like Dogs, called
Cynocephali, as is before expressed; and many other which have a mixt resemblance of other creatures in their members.”

A pregnant nanny
The seventeenth-century writer Johannes Praetorius (Neüliche Miß-Geburten, 1678) reports that in the German town of Plößte a lamb with a human face was birthed by a ewe on the 28th of March, 1670. He says it had a naked body and lamb-like ears.
Also in Germany, Christian Lehmann (1611-1688) describes an infant born to the wife of a certain Hans Bäßer, a resident of Weipert, in 1678. He says this “horrific monstrosity” (“heßliche Mißgeburt”) had a goat’s head with two horns on its forehead and goat’s eyes on its cheeks.
In his book describing various cases of medical interest, Amsterdam surgeon Job van Meekeren (Observationes medico-chirurgicae, 1682, p. 353) reported that in 1655 in the public market at Amsterdam a little girl had been put on exhibit who was completely covered in hair like that of a goat, especially on the chin, and that the exhibitors claimed her mother had been impregnated by a billy.
And van Meekeren's contemporary, the German physician Gabriel Clauder (1688, pp. 328-330), published in a medical journal an article describing an event that he said took place in the village of Schleenhain, two miles from his own place of residence (Leipzig) in 1688. There, according to Clauder, a goat gave birth to a fetus that was "in many ways similar to a human being." It had a completely naked white skin, he said, and head and ears like a human, except that there were merely two pits in place of eyes.† The legs and body, however, were “nearly like those of a goat.” It had been dead in the womb for several days.‡ The same nanny gave birth to an ordinary, living kid about an hour later.
† In general, the incidence of
anophthalmia and
cyclopia seems to be higher in distant hybrids.
‡ The incidence of stillbirth is elevated in many hybrid crosses.

The Dutch surgeon Nicolaes Tulp (1593-1674) was the mayor of Amsterdam and seems to have been the first European scientist to publish a description of the chimpanzee. As did many other physicians of his day, he wrote up for the benefit of his colleagues a compilation of the more interesting cases he had seen in private practice. One such was that of “The Bleating Youth” (Juvenis balans†), where Tulp describes a youth who grew up among wild sheep in Ireland and who had certain sheep-like characteristics, quoted in translation here.
The Gazelle Boy
In 1946, in a case paralleling that of the Tulp’s
Juvenis balans, news reports (
Report #1,
Report #2) told of a boy captured in the Syrian Desert who was living with gazelles and who supposedly could run twice as fast as any other human being, this despite the fact that his estimated age was only ten. Extremely thin and unable to speak, according to the reports, he was brought to Damascus and was never allowed to return to the wild, despite repeated attempts to escape.
Brought to Amsterdam from Ireland, the young man, about sixteen years old, was seen by all. Having been, perhaps, separated from his parents during infancy and living all his life among wild sheep, he had become quite sheep-like. He was nimble of body and agile of foot. His expressions were wild. His body was rough, and his skin, scorched by the sun. His limbs were drawn together, his forehead so flat and sloping that his head bulged at the rear. In temper he was wild, fearless, and devoid of all human feeling, but in other respects healthy and extremely vigorous. Lacking a human voice, he bleated like a sheep and rejected the food and drink that humans eat. Rather, he ate only grass, hay, and the other things that interest sheep. In eating, he continually turned everything over, choosing each single morsel, by its odor and flavor. But he had lived in the rugged hills and wild places, and was no less fierce and wild himself, delighting in remote haunts, inaccessible and uncultivated. Accustomed to live in the open air, he endured equally well both winter and summer weather, avoiding the nets of hunters, in which however he was caught at last. Though he kept to the steep cliffs and jagged rocks, and cast himself recklessly into thorny thickets, he was captured. By his way of life he had taken on more the character of a wild beast than a man’s. And even restrained and living long among humans, he set his wild temper aside only unwillingly and with the passage of much time. [(
Observationes medicae, 2nd ed., 1672, Liber IV, Ch. X, pp. 296-298) Translated by E.M. McCarthy.
Original Latin.]
† Tulp’s Juvenis balans was later listed by Linnaeus in his Systema naturae (1766) as a specimen of feral human (Homo ferus) under the name Juvenis ovinus Hibernus N. Tulp, 1672, the Irish sheep-boy.

Enkidu battling a lion (Akkadian cylinder seal impression, c. 2200 BCE)
Tulp’s account of the bleating youth has interesting parallels to the descriptions of Enkidu, the Mesopotamian half-man half-bovine demigod who is one of the main characters in the Epic of Gilgamesh. His body was similar to that of both the Greek god Pan and the Christian Devil (human torso, arms and face, hairy legs with cloven hooves, horns on head). The following account of Enkidu’s origin is from my own English reconstruction of the ancient epic:
Thus, the people besought the Great Goddess,
Arūru, to give them succor. She formed
damp clay, cast it into the wilderness,
watched as Enkídu’s warrior sinews warmed
to life. He was the image of Ánu,
great Lord of Sky. This wild Enkídu,
the king’s balancing spirit (his “zíkru”),
was untame (because he was lullú).
This zíkru knew nothing of men and priests,
and cared nothing at all for their daughters.
Enkídu came hurrying after the beasts,
when their hearts grew light in the waters.
He was a being of forest and rock,
who clung to nature and shunned the walled town.
His was a spirit that moved with the flock—
He had with none, except shepherds, renown.
Thus, when Nínsun said to seek his zíkru,
Gílgamesh wondered if he could be found—
this was no town-spawned human— He clove to
woods and wilds where secret places abound.
But a trapper had seen him already
that day, leaping with gazelles and standing
with the herds. The stunned man came back, said he
had watched him cavorting with deer, banding
with beasts. He told how he’d dreaded the gore
of hircine horn, cringed at Enkídu’s gaze.
He could not endure this wild being’s roar
(a beastly bellow of no human phrase).
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By the same author: Handbook of Avian Hybrids of the World, Oxford University Press (2006).
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