Careers in Biology
Online Biology Dictionary
Careers in biology can be of many different types. Some of the more common ones are listed and described below. Note, however, that there are so many careers one can pursue within the general field of biology that not all of them can be named here. The following list, then, attempts to name and define only some of the major possibilities.
Careers in biology pertaining to evolution:
- Biogeographist (pronunciation) — A scientist who studies the geographic distributions of living organisms.
- Developmental biologist — A scientist who studies the processes by which an organism changes from a single cell into a mature, multicellular individual.
- Evolutionary biologist — A scientist who studies the modes of origin of new forms of life.
- Ichnologist (pronunciation) — A scientist who studies the fossilized traces of past animal activity, such as footprints, burrows, trails, and borings.
- Morphologist (pronunciation) — A scientist who investigates the form and structure of living organisms.
- Paleontologist (pronunciation) — A scientist who studies prehistoric life by means of fossils.
Chemistry-based careers in biology:
Careers that involve microscopy:
Careers in biology dealing with animals:
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