The following is the original Latin of the three excerpts from Gesner's Historia Animalium (Liber I, De Quadrupedibus viviparis, 1551), quoted in translation in the text:

First passage translated in text (source):

"Peculiare quoddam mulorum genus in Gallia circa Gratianopolis haberi audire aliquando memini quod ex asina & tauro natum, vernacula lingua iumar appellant."

Second passage translated in text (source):

"In Helvetiae alpibus supra Curiam [Curia was the Latin name of Swiss town of Chur] ad pago Spelugam ex equa & tauro natum equum ex viris fide dignis accepi."

Third passage translated in text (source):

"Apud nos etíam víros fide dignos affirmantes audivi, visum sibi equu ad pedem montis Spelugi (ut nos vocamus) in Rhaetia a ex equa & tauro generatum."

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