Suffix Dictionary - A

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-able [Latin -bilis capable of] Capable of being or doing the thing indicated by the stem or prefix (agglutinable).

-ac (1) pertaining to (iliac); (2) affected by (hypochondriac).

-acanth [Greek akantha thorn] Thorn or spine (coelacanth).

-acea In taxonomic classification: indicates a category, usually an order, of animal forms (Gorgonacea).

-aceae In taxonomic classification: indicates a plant family (Begoniaceae).

-acean (1) = aceous; (2) one(s) having the characteristic indicated by the stem or prefix (crustacean).

-aceous or -aceus or -acious Full of, composed of, partaking of, of the nature of, characterized by, tending to be (ciliaceous).

-aceum In botanical names: one(s) having the characteristic indicated by the stem or prefix (Gossypium herbaceum ).

-acity Having the quality indicated by the stem or prefix (opacity).

-acousia or -acusia or -acusis [Greek akouein to hear] The state of hearing indicated by the stem or prefix (anacusis).

-acy The quality or state indicated by the stem or prefix (monochromacy).

-aemia See: -emia

-aesthesia See: -esthesia.

-aesthetic See: -esthetic.

-aetus [Greek aetos eagle] Eagle (Haliaetus ).

-age [Latin -acticum leading] Collection, amount, rate (dosage); process of, action of (coverage, linkage).

-agog or -agogue [Greek agogos leading] To drive, to make flow, to elicit (galactagogue, ptyalagogue).

-agra [Greek agra seizure] Painful seizure (chiragra).

-al [Latin -alis] Of, belonging to, pertaining to, connected with, like (amniochorial).

-algesia or -algesic or -algetic or -algia or -algic or -algy [Greek algesia sense of pain] Denotes suffering, pain, or sensitivity to pain (hyperalgesia, neuralgia, myalgia).

-ally [-al + -ly] Suffix used to convert adjectives ending in -ic into adverbs.

-an Relating to, native of, like (saurian).

-andra [Greek andros man, since the stamen is the male organ of a flower] Denotes stamens or anthers of the type or number indicated by the stem or prefix (Pachysandra).

-andria [Greek andros man, since the stamen is the male organ of a flower] One(s) stamens or anthers of the type or number indicated by the stem or prefix (Icosandria). Used by Linnaeus in naming botanical classes.

-androus [Greek andros man, since the stamen is the male organ of a flower] Having stamens or anthers of the type or number indicated by the stem or prefix (dodecandrous).

-andry [Greek andros man, since the stamen is the male organ of a flower] Condition of having stamens or anthers of the type or number indicated by the stem or prefix (monandry).

-angium or -ange [Greek angos vessel] Vessel, receptacle (sporangium).

-anthous [Greek anthos flower] Flowered in the way indicated by the stem or prefix (oliganthous).

-anthropus [Greek anthropos human being] Type of human indicated by the stem or prefix (Paranthropus).

-ar [Latin -aris] Of, belonging to, connected with, like (nuclear).

-arch [Greek arche beginning] Having the beginning indicated by the stem or prefix (endarch).

-archy [Greek archein to rule] Government or order of the type indicated by the stem or prefix (hierarchy).

-arium (pl -ariums, -aria) or -ary (pl -aries) [Latin -arius] Thing or place which belongs to, is connected with, or like the thing indicated by the stem or prefix (termitary).

-ase Denotes a colloid enzyme (amylase).

-asthenia [Greek asthenes weak] Weakness (thrombasthenia).

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-ata [Greek plural ending] Used to indicate the plural of numerous scientific names and words of Greek origin ending in -a (e.g., sing carcinoma, pl carcinomata; sing chromonema, pl chromonemata).

-ate (1) indicates the salt of a base (phosphate); (2) having the function specified, or being in the state indicated, by the stem or prefix (brevifoliate, centrifugate).

-ation [Latin ending -ation-] Denotes a process of the kind indicated by the stem or prefix (fertilization).

-ative [Latin ending -ativus] Of, pertaining, or related to the thing indicated by the stem or prefix (purgative).

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