Suffix Dictionary E

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-eae [Latin plural feminine ending] In taxonomic names: a group, usually a family or subfamily (Caesalpinioideae).

-eal See: -al.

-ean See: -an.

-ectasia or -ectasis [from Greek ec- + -tasia from teinein to stretch] Dilation of tubular vessel(s) (lymphectasia, esophagectasis).

-ectomy [ec + tomy] Cutting out, excision, surgical removal (ovariectomy).

-ectopia [ec + -topia] Dislocation, malplacement, being out of place (osteectopia).

-ectropion [Greek ektropion a turning or movement outward] Eversion (cheilectropion).

-edema [from Greek oidema swelling] Swelling, edema (myoedema).

-el or -ella or -elle [from Latin diminutive endings -ellus, -ella, -ellum] Little one, small (fontanelle).

-elcosis [from Greek elkosis ulceration] Ulceration (dacryelcosis).

-ema Pathological condition (eczema).

-emesis [from Greek emein to vomit] Vomiting, nausea (cholemesis).

-emia or -hemia (Brit: -aemia or -haemia) [from Greek aima blood] Blood (anemia, hypercalcemia, hyperglycemia).

-encephalia [from Greek enkephalos brain] The condition of having a brain in the state indicated by the prefix (exencephalia).

-encephalus (pl encephali) [from Greek enkephalos brain] One having a brain in the condition indicated by the prefix (anencephalus).

-ense or -ensis [from Latin -ense, -ensis = English -ese] In taxonomic names: native of, relating to, or characteristic of the place indicated by the stem or prefix (algeriense = native to Algeria; floridensis = native to Florida).

-er One who, that which (promoter).

-eremia (Brit: -eraemia) [Greek eremia lack] Lack, absence (irideremia).

-eresis [Greek eiresis take] Taking (phacoeresis).

-ergy [Greek ergon work] Work (allergy).

-ery [from Latin -erius] That which belongs to, is connected with, or like the thing indicated by the stem or prefix (surgery).

-escence [Latin -escentia] In the process of becoming, or being the thing indicated by the stem or prefix (inflorescence, putrescence).

-escent [Latin -escens] Becoming, or being the thing indicated by the stem or prefix (phosphorescent).

-ese [from -ense] Native of, relating to, or characteristic of the place indicated by the stem or prefix (Siamese).

-esis [connecting element -e- + -sis] Denotes a condition or process (enuresis).

-esophageal (Brit: -oesophageal) [from Greek oisophagos esophagus] Esophagus (pharyngoesophageal).

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-ess [from Latin -issa] Suffix indicating the female sex (lioness).

-estes [from Greek edmenai to eat] In taxonomic names: eater of the thing indicated by the prefix; used in generic names of birds (Spermestes).

-esthesia (Brit: -aesthesia) [from Greek aisthesis sensation, feeling] Sensation (anesthesia, oxyesthesia).

-esthetic (Brit: -aesthetic) [from Greek aisthesis sensation, feeling] Pertaining to sensation (anesthetic).

-etic Equivalent to -ic; used to form adjectives from nouns ending in -esis (e.g., biosynthetic from biosynthesis).

-etum (pl -etums or -eta) [from Latin -etum grove] Grove, garden (pinetum, arboretum, palmetum).

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