-facient [Latin facere to do, make, create, cause] Making, causing (immunifacient, somnifacient).
-fer [Latin ferre to bring, bear, carry, produce] Bearer: someone or something that bears, carries, or produces the thing(s) indicated by stem or prefix (conifer).
-ferous [Latin ferre to bring, bear, produce] Bearing, carrying, or producing the thing indicated by the root or prefix (branchiferous, papuliferous).
-fibular [Latin fibula clasp, brooch] Of or pertaining to the fibula (talofibular).
-form [Latin forma form, shape, model] Shaped (bacilliform).
-fuge [Latin fugere put to flight, chase or drive away] To drive away from or drive out (centrifuge, febrifuge).
-ful also -full [Old English full (rarely used in construction of scientific terms)] (1) adj: full of, characterized by, resembling; (2) n: the amount or quantity that fills (teaspoonful, cupful).
-fy [shortening of Latin -ficare, from facere to do, make, create, cause] To make into (classify).
-gaea or -gea [Greek ge earth, land] A region of the earth (Pangea).
-gam [Greek gamia marriage] Plant belonging to a group with the mode of reproduction indicated by the prefix (cytogam).
-gen [Greek gennan to produce] (1) one that generates or produces (hydrogen, pathogen); (2) one that is generated or produced (parthenogen).
-gene [Greek gennan to produce] Gene (oncogene).
-genesis or -geny [Greek gennan to produce] Production, origin, formation (lysogeny, parthenogenesis).
-genetic or -genic [Greek gennan to produce] Producing, originating (pathogenic, parthenogenetic).
-glossa [Greek glossa tongue] Having the type of tongue indicated by the root or prefix (Toxoglossa).
-gnath [Greek genys jaw, cheek] Denotes the jaw (chaetognath).
-gnathic [Greek genys jaw, cheek] Affected by the condition of jaw of the type indicated by the stem or prefix (eurygnathic).
-gnathy [Greek genys jaw, cheek] Condition of the jaw of the type indicated by the stem or prefix (prognathy).
-gnosis (pl -gnoses) [Greek gnosis knowledge] Denotes knowledge (diagnosis, prognosis).
-gog or -gogue [Greek agogos leading] To drive, to make flow, to elicit (galactagogue, ptyalagogue).
-gram [modern Latin gramma record of instrument measurements] Tracing, mark, drawing, writing, or record of the type indicated by the root or prefix (electrocardiogram).
-graph [Greek graphos written] Denotes a record, writing, or representation of the thing or in the way indicated by the stem or prefix (pneograph).
-graphia [Greek graphos written] Writing of the type indicated by the stem or prefix (dermographia).
-graphic or -graphical [Greek graphos written] Written, or relating to writing (chronographic).
-graphy [Greek graphos written] Denotes a process of writing or recording (adenography).
-gyn [Greek gyne woman] Plant having the number or type of pistils indicated by the stem or prefix (androgyn).
-gyne [Greek gyne woman] (1) a woman of the sort indicated by the stem or prefix (androgyne); (2) one having female reproductive organs of the sort indicated by the stem or prefix (Homogyne alpina).
-gynous [Greek gyne woman] Pertaining to women or females (tetragynous).
-gyny [Greek gyne woman] Having females; having female organs, esp. pistils (polygyny).