Suffix Dictionary K-M

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-kinesis [Greek kinesis motion] Motion (cytokinesis).

-labial [Latin labium lip] Pertaining to the lips (buccogingival).

-lagos or -lagus [Greek lagos hare] Hare (Dendrolagus = "tree hare," the generic name for tree kangaroos).

-lalia or -laly [Greek lalia chatter] Denotes a speech disorder of a type suggested by the prefix, especially one involving articulation of sounds (echolalia).

-lemma [Greek lemma rind, husk] Covering, sheath, membrane, envelope (axolemma).

-lepis [Greek lepis flake, scale] In taxonomic names: Denotes flake(s) or scale(s) (Quercus chrysolepis).

-lepsia or -lepsis or -lepsy [Greek lepsis seizure] Seizure (epilepsy).

-less [from Old English leas devoid, untrue] (1) lacking, free from, without (airless, childless, venomless, countless); (2) unable to be affected by (tireless).

-lite or -lith [Greek lithos stone] Stone, calculus (gastrolith, phytolith).

-logia See: -logy.

-logist [Greek logos explanation, law, theory, reasoning, speech] Specialist or expert in the subject indicated by the root or prefix (biologist).

-logy or -logia [Greek logos explanation, law, theory, reasoning, speech] Doctrine, theory, discipline, science or study of the thing indicated by the root or prefix (biology, pathology, zoology).

-lumbar [Latin lumbus loins] Denotes the loins (sacrolumbar).

-ly [Old English -lic like, similar] (1) similar, being like (motherly); (2) in the way indicated by the stem (wrongly); (3) occurring at the specified interval (yearly).

-lyse See: -lyze.

-lysis [Greek lysis loosing, breaking up, parting, releasing] Destruction, disintegration, decomposition, breaking up (autolysis, catalysis).

-lyte [Greek lysis loosing, breaking up, parting, releasing] Product of breakdown or decomposition (electrolyte).

-lytic [Greek lysis loosing, breaking up, parting, releasing] Destroying, loosening, causing disintegration or decomposition (cytolytic, catalytic).

-lyze (British: -lyse) [Greek lysis loosing, breaking up, parting, releasing] Undergo or cause to undergo decomposition or disintegration (catalyze).

-ma See: -oma.

-malacia [Greek malaxis softening] Denotes softening of the thing indicated by the root or prefix (hepatomalacia).

-mania [Latin mania mania, mental disorder] Mania, obsession (dipsomania).

-megaly [Greek megas, megale big, great, full-grown, vast, high] Denotes enlargement of the thing indicated by the root or prefix (hepatomegaly).

-melia [Greek melos limb] Denotes a condition of the limbs (amelia, phocomelia).

-ment or -meant or -mentum [Latin -mentum (shortened in Middle French and English to -ment)] Condition, process, agent, means or place of action (cementum, integument).

-mer or -meride [Greek meros share, portion, part] Something having the number or type of segments or parts indicated by the root or prefix (dimer).

-mere [Greek meros share, portion, part] Portion or segment of the type indicated by the root or prefix (centromere).

-meris [Greek meros share, portion, part] (in taxonomic names) One having parts or segments of the type or number indicated by the root or prefix (Trimeris).

-merism [Greek meros share, portion, part] (1) possession of the number of parts indicated by the prefix (dimerism); (2) relationship of parts indicated by the prefix (tautomerism)

-merous [Greek meros share, portion, part] Having the number or type of parts or segments indicated by the root or prefix (polymerous).

-mery [Greek meros share, portion, part] State or condition of having parts or segments of the type or number indicated by the root or prefix (dimeric).

-meter [Greek metron measure, rule] (1) instrument measuring the thing indicated by the root or prefix (thermometer); (2) a length consisting of the number of meters indicated by the root or prefix (kilometer).

-metra [Greek metra uterus] Of or relating to the uterus (physometra).

-metrium (pl metria) [Greek metra uterus] Denotes a part or layer of the uterus (endometrium).

-metry [Greek metron measure, rule] Measurement, or the profession of measuring, the thing indicated by the root or prefix (optometry).

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-mimesis [Greek mimeomai to mimic, imitate, repressent] Mimicking the condition indicated by the root or prefix (necromimesis).

-morph [Greek morphe form, shape, kind, sort] Having the form, being of the type indicated by the root or prefix (lagomorph).

-myia [Greek myia fly] Denotes a fly or flylike insect (Lutzomyia).

-mys [Greek mys mouse] Denotes a mouse or mouselike animal (Oenomys).

-myxa [Greek myxa mucus] One(s) composed of slime of the type indicated by the root or prefix (Pelomyxa).

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