-nema (pl -nemata) [Greek nema, nemata thread] Threadlike (pachynema).
-ness [Old English -nes, -nis] Quality of, state of, measure of (darkness, awareness, oneness).
-neura [Greek neuron nerve, sinew, cord] One(s) having nerves or veins of the type indicated by the stem or prefix (Choristoneura).
-nomy [Greek noma distributing, ordering] Laws of, or knowledge as a whole, regarding a particular field (taphonomy, taxonomy).
-nym See: -onym.
-nymy See: -onymy.
-nyxis /nik-səs/ (pl -nyxes /nik-seez/) [Greek nyxis a pricking or stabbing] Puncture (scleronyxis).
-ode or -oid [Greek -odes, -oeides -like] Shape, form, likeness; usually denotes resemblance (nematode).
-odon [Greek odous something pointed; tooth, spike] In taxonomic names: One(s) having teeth of the sort indicated by the stem or prefix (Diodon).
-odont [Greek odous something pointed; tooth, spike] Having teeth of the sort indicated by the stem or prefix (megadont).
-odontia or -odonty [Greek odous something pointed; tooth, spike] Condition of having teeth of the sort indicated by the stem or prefix (macrodontia).
-odus [Greek odous something pointed; tooth, spike] Indicates an animal with teeth of the sort indicated by the stem or prefix (Ceratodus).
-odynia See: -dynia.
-oesophageal See: -esophageal.
-oid [Greek -odes, -oeides -like] Denotes resemblance (cormoid).
-oida or -odea or -oidei [Greek -odes, -oeides -like] Animals of the type indicated by the stem or prefix (Ganoidea, Anguilloidei).
-ole [Latin -olus, -ola, -olum diminutive suffixes] Diminutive, indicating small size (arteriole).
-ologia or -ology See: -logia, -logy.
-oma (pl -omas, -omata) [Greek -oma, -omata] Swelling, tumor (carcinoma, sarcoma).
-omphalos or -omphalus [Greek omphalos navel, umbilical cord] (1) condition of the navel (acromphalus); (2) condition of the umbilical cord (exomphalos).
-on [neuter form of Greek -os] (1) basic genetic element (operon, exon, intron); (2) inert gas (argon).
-ont [Greek on being (pres. participle of einein)] Living being, cell, organism (gamont).
-onychia or -onyxis [Greek onyx talon, claw] Condition of the fingernails or toenails of the type indicated by the stem or prefix (brachyonychia).
-onychium [Greek onyx talon, claw] A region of, or one having fingernails or toenails, of the type indicated by the stem or prefix (hyponychium).
-onym [Greek onoma name] Name, word (caconym).
-onymy [Greek onoma name] (1) State of being names or words of the type indicated by the root or prefix (synonymy); (2) study of names or words of the type indicated by the root or prefix (phytonymy).
-ophthalmia or -ophthalmus [Greek ophthalmos eye] /awf-THAWL-mee-ə awf-THAWL-məs/ The state of having eyes, or a condition of the eyes, of the type indicated by the stem or prefix (exophthalmos, microphthalmia).
-ophthalmic [Greek ophthalmos eye] /awf-THAWL-mik/ Having eyes, or a condition of the eyes, of the type indicated by the stem or prefix (microphthalmic, periophthalmic, podophthalmic).
-opia or -opsia or -opy [Greek ops eye, face] (1) vision or a condition of vision of the type indicated by the stem or prefix (myopia); (2) condition of having eyes, or eyes with a disease, of the type indicated by the prefix (erythropia, erythropsia).
-opic [Greek ops eye, face] (1) having vision, or a condition of vision, of the type indicated by the stem or prefix (myopic); (2) Having eyes, or eyes with a disease, of the type indicated by the prefix (erythropic).
-ops [Greek ops eye, face] One having the type of eyes or face indicated by the stem or prefix (Tursiops).
-or [Latin -or] One who, that which (repressor).
-orchid [Greek orchis testicle] An individual affected by the condition of the testicle indicated by the stem or prefix (cryptorchid).
-orchidism [Greek orchis testicle] Condition of the testicle indicated by the stem or prefix (cryptorchidism).
-orexia [Greek orexis desire, appetite] Appetite (anorexia).
-orexic [Greek orexis desire, appetite] Denotes the condition of appetite indicated by the stem or prefix (anorexic).
-ornis (pl ornithes) [Greek ornis bird] In taxonomic names: bird of the type indicated by the stem or prefix (Agapornis). See also: -cornis.
-ory [Latin -orius] Belonging to, connected with (laboratory).
-osis [Greek -osis] (1) condition, disease, action; typically denotes production or increase (halitosis); (2) invasion or increase of parasites within an organism (trichinosis).
-ostosis [Greek osteon bone + -osis] (1) bony growth of the type indicated by the stem or prefix (hyperostosis); (2) formation of an osseous tumor of the type indicated by the stem or prefix (endostosis).
-ostraca [Greek ostrakon shell] In taxonomic names (usually of crustaceans): shell, shelled (Leptostraca).
-otic [Greek -otikos] (1) of or relating to the thing indicated by the stem or prefix (biotic); (2) of or relating to the ear or a part of the ear (diotic).
-ous [Latin -us] Abounding in, having, possessing (filamentous).