-paedic See: -pedic.
-para [Latin parare give birth to; beget, bring forth] Woman giving birth to the number of children indicated by the prefix (nullipara).
-path [Greek pathe suffering, misfortune] One who is diseased or suffering (psychopath).
-pathic [Greek pathe suffering, misfortune] Pertaining to disease or suffering (homeopathic).
-pathy [Greek pathe suffering, misfortune] Disease, suffering (nephropathy).
-ped or -pede [Latin pes, pedis foot] Foot, having feet, having feet of the sort or number indicated by the stem or prefix (millipede).
-pedia [Greek pous, podos, podi, poa foot] Condition of the feet (antennapedia).
-pedic (British: -paedic) [Latin pes, pedis foot] Relating to the feet (orthopedic).
-penia [Greek pedia lack, poverty] Lack, decrease, deficiency (thrombocytopenia).
-pepsia [Greek pepsis digestion] Denotes digestion or the digestive tract (colodyspepsia).
-pexy /PECK-see/ [Greek pexis putting together, connection] Suspension, fixation, or fastening of the organ(s) or part(s) indicated by the stem or prefix (phrenocolopexy).
-phaga /FƏ-gə/ or -phage /fāj/ or -phagist /FĀJ-ist/ or -phagus /FƏ-gəs/ [Greek phagein to eat] One(s) eating or destroying the thing indicated by the stem or prefix (bacteriophage).
-phalangia /fe-LAN-jee-yə/ [Greek phalanx finger or toe bone] Condition of the fingers or toes (symphalangia).
-phagia /FĀJ-(ee)-yə/ or -phagy /FĀJ-ee/ [Greek phagein to eat] The sort of eating indicated by the stem or prefix (bacteriophagy).
-phagous /FƏ-gəs/ [Greek phagein to eat] Eating the thing indicated by the stem or prefix (hematophagous, phyllophagous, phytophagous).
-phasia /FĀ-zhə/ also -phasy \fə-see\ [Greek -phasia speech] Denotes a speech disorder of the type indicated by the stem or prefix (aphasia).
-pheresis /fə-REE-səs/ [Greek pherein to carry] Denotes removal, taking away, or extraction (plasmapheresis).
-phil or -phile or -philus /f(ə)-ləs/ [Greek phileo to love, regard with affection] One that loves or is attracted or tends to the thing indicated by the stem or prefix (azurophil).
-philia /FEEL-ee-yə/ or -phily /f(ə)-lee/ [Greek phileo to love, regard with affection] (1) attraction to, tendency toward, or abnormal appetite for the thing indicated by the stem or prefix (agoraphilia).
-philic /FILL-ick/ or -philous /FILL-əs/ [Greek phileo to love, regard with affection] Attracted to, liking, or suited to the thing indicated by the stem or prefix (hydrophilic).
-phobia /FŌ-bee-ə/ [Greek phobos fear] Fear of the thing indicated by the stem or prefix (agoraphobia).
-phobic /FŌ-bick/ [Greek phobos fear] Fearful of the thing indicated by the stem or prefix (arachnophobic).
-phone [Greek phonema sound, utterance] Sound, utterance (cardiophone).
-phor or -phore [Greek phoros bearing] Carrier (gametophore).
-phora or -phorae or -phorum [Greek phoros bearing] One(s) bearing the structure indicated by the stem or prefix (Stylophorum).
-phoresis /fore-EE-səs/ [Greek phoresis being borne] Transmission (electrophoresis).
-phoria /FORE-ee-yə/ [Greek phoros bearing] Tendency or bearing of the type indicated by the stem or prefix (dysphoria).
-phorous [Greek phoros bearing] Carrying (phyllophorous).
-phrenia [Greek phren mind] Denotes mental disorder (schizophrenia).
-phthisis /TĪ-səs/ [Greek phthio to decay, wane, waste away] Wasting away, phthisis (myelophthisis).
-phthora /fə-thə-rə/ [Greek phthora destruction, death] In generic names of fungi: Destroyer of the thing indicated by the stem or prefix (Phytophthora).
-phthorales /fə-thə-RAWL-lees/ [Greek phthora destruction, death] In ordinal names of fungi: Destroyer of the thing indicated by the stem or prefix (Entomophthorales).
-phyceae /FICE-ee-ee/ [Greek phykos seaweed] In taxonomic names of algae: Seaweed (Rhodophyceae).
-phylaxis /fə-LAK-sis/ [Greek phylakeia guard, protection] Protection (anaphylaxis).
-phyll /fill/ [Greek phyllon leaf] (1) leaf; (2) pigment in plant cells (chlorophyll).
-phylla or -phyllum [Greek phyllon leaf] Leaf, plant fossil resembling (indicated) group; having leaflike parts (bulbophyllum).
-physis [Greek physis nature] Growth of the type indicated by the stem or prefix (epiphysis, symphysis).
-phyta [Greek phyton plant] In taxonomic names: Plants (Magnoliophyta).
-phyte [Greek phyton plant] Plant having the trait indicated by the stem or prefix (epiphyte, xerophyte, zoophyte).
-picrin [Greek pikros bitter] Bitter (chloropicrin).
-pithecus or -pithecine [Greek pithekos ape, monkey] Ape (australopithecine, Ardipithecus, Gigantopithecus).
-plakia [Greek plakes plates] Plaque (leukoplakia).
-plasia /PLAY-zhə/ [Greek plasm anything formed or molded] Formation or development of a type indicated by the stem or prefix (dysplasia).
-plasm /PLAZ-əm/ [Greek plasm anything formed or molded] Denotes something formed or shaped in the way, or by the thing indicated by the prefix (cytoplasm, neoplasm).
-plast [Greek plasm anything formed or molded] (1) Something formed of the type or in the way indicated by the stem or prefix (autoplast); (2) particle, small mass (blepharoplast); (3) cell (chloroplast, chromoplast, leucoplast).
-plastic [Greek plasm anything formed or molded] (1) developing or growing in a way indicated by the stem or prefix (endoplastic); (2) adjectival equivalent of a noun ending in -plasm, plast, or plasty (cytoplastic).
-plasty [Greek plasm anything formed or molded] Surgical repair of the thing indicated by the stem or prefix (hernioplasty).
-plegia /PLEEJ-(ee)-yə/ or -plegy /PLEEJ-ee/ [Greek plege stroke, blow] Denotes stroke or paralysis (hemiplegia).
-ploid [modern scientific origin (early 20th century) by parallel construction based on the original haploid from Greek haploeides single, and diploid from Greek diploos double] Having the number of sets of chromosomes indicated by the prefix (triploidy, tetraploidy, hexaploidy).
-ploidy [for derivation see -ploid] Condition of having the number of sets of chromosomes indicated by the prefix (tetraploid, hexaploid, allopolyploid, autopolyploid).
-pnea (British: -pnoea) /(pə)-NEE-ə/ [Greek pneo to breathe] Breath, breathing (apnea).
-pneusta /(pə)-N(Y)OO-stə/ [Greek pneo to breathe] Ones having the mode of breathing indicated by the stem or prefix (Enteropneusta).
-pod or -poda or -pode or -podium [Greek pous, podos, podi, poa foot] One(s) having feet of the sort indicated by the stem or prefix (Brachiopoda).
-podia [Greek pous, podos, podi, poa foot] Condition of the feet (micropodia).
-podite [Greek pous, podos, podi, poa foot] Segment or appendage of an arthropod (exopodite).
-poiesis /poy-EE-səs/ [Greek poiesis fabrication, creation, production] Production, formation (leukopoiesis).
-poietic /poy-ET-ick, -ED-ick/ [Greek poiesis fabrication, creation, production] Productive, forming (allopoietic).
-ptera [Greek pteron feathers, wing, winged one] One(s) having the type or number of wings indicated by the stem or prefix (Diptera).
-pteris /TARE-əs, TIR-əs/ [Greek pteris fern] In generic names: Fern (Dryopteris, Pecopteris).
-pterous [Greek pteron feathers, wing, winged one] Having the type or number of wings indicated by the stem or prefix (apterous).
-pterygus (pl pterygii) [Greek pteron feathers, wing, winged one] Winged one(s) having the type of wings indicated by the stem or prefix (Acanthopterygii).
-pteryx [Greek pteron feathers, wing, winged one] Winged or finned one having the type of wings/fins indicated by the stem or prefix (Archaeopteryx).
-ptile [Greek pteron feathers, wing, winged one] Down, feather (coleoptile).
-ptosis /TŌ-səs/ [Greek ptosis fall, collapse] Sagging, downward displacement, or prolapse of the part indicated by the stem or prefix (nephroptosis).
-ptysis /pə-TƏ-səs/ [Greek ptyalon sputum, saliva] A condition of the saliva (hemoptysis).
-pyga or -pygus [Greek pyge rump, buttocks] One having a rump of the sort indicated by the stem or prefix (bipygus).
-pyrosis [Greek pyr fire] Burning sensation of the part indicated by the stem or prefix (glossopyrosis).