St. George and the Dragon St. George and the Dragon (Musée Unterlinden, Colmar).

The Ohio Dragon

“An Authentic Tale of a Monster in Warren County”

St. George he was for England
And before he killed the dragon
He drank a pint of English ale
Out of an English flagon.
—Gilbert Keith Chesterton
The Englishman

In 1882, the Cincinnati Enquirer (May 29, p. 2, col. 1 ) reported a huge snakelike animal with four legs terrorizing the residents of Waynesville, Ohio. Described as being able to erect itself to a height of more than twelve feet it sounds like a dragon (minus the wings). The following is a verbatim transcript of the article.


An Authentic Tale of a Monster in Warren County

Remarkable Capers of the Reptile

A Whole Neighborhood Alarmed

Waynesville, Ohio, May 29. Although this is an old settled neighborhood, and the primitive snakes in the main, have long since disappeared; except the black, garter and rattlesnake and occasionally some of other species, we are once in a while greeted with the report of some monster of this uncanny tribe.

For several years it has been reported that the track of one above the town, of unusual size, had, on different occasions, been seen in the dust, where it had crossed the pike. This report made the timid fearful, while the generality of the people did not seem to fear or care anything about it; and it has been reserved until yesterday to develop one of the most remarkable specimens ever seen, in or out of snake season, and the story thereof is so well authenticated that the more incredulous of the neighborhood on big snake stories are forced at last to lend an attentive ear.

About one mile north of this place is a little village called Crosswicks, in which several colored families reside. Among the rest is John Lynch, who has two boys, Ed. And Joe, aged respectively thirteen and eleven years. These boys were at a small creek on the south side of the village fishing, yesterday. After sitting on the bank a short time they heard quite a stir among some old reeds, grass and brush behind them, and on looking round they saw a huge monster approaching them rapidly. They screamed and, paralyzed almost with horror, started to run, when the snake, or whatever it might be—for they never saw aught like it before; came close up to the older one, and suddenly throwing out two long arms, or forelegs, seized the boy in its slimy embrace, simultaneously producing two more legs, about four feet long, from some mysterious hiding place in its body, and dragged the boy some one hundred yards down the creek to a large sycamore, twenty-six feet in diameter at the base, hollow, and with a large opening on one side. Through this aperture the monster attempted to enter with the boy who by this time was almost dead with fright and unable to make any resistance.

Three men—viz., Rev. Jacob Horn, George Peterson and Allen Jordan—were quarrying stone a short distance above where the boys were fishing, and hearing their screams and seeing the creature yanking one off, hurried in an attempt to rescue the child. They reached the tree just as the snake, who, failing in its first attempt to drag the boy into his den, became alarmed, probably at the outcries made by its pursuers, unfastened its horrible fangs and dropped the more than half-dead child to the earth. The little fellow was picked up and carried home, and Dr. L.C. Lukens, of Waynesville, summoned to attend him.

In the afternoon about sixty men, armed with clubs, dog, axes, &c., gathered around the sycamore-tree and concluded to cut it down and destroy its fearful tenant. They began cutting, when, becoming alarmed for his safety, the formidable snake leaped from the aperture, threw out its fore and hind legs, erected itself about twelve or fourteen feet, and, with the velocity of a race horse, crossed the creek and ran up a small hill, climbed over a rail fence, breaking it down, and, continuing north a mile, followed by the pursuers, until he reached a hole in a large hill under a heavy ledge of rocks. Some of the men and dogs were so terrified at the beast’s first appearance that they only thought of getting out of the way. But the braver portion followed until the frightful thing made good his retreat underneath the ground.

It will be watched for and killed if possible. It is described as being from thirty to forty feet long, sixteen inches in diameter, and the legs four feet long and covered with scales the same as the body. Feet about twelve inches long and shaped like a lizard’s, of black and white color, with large yellow spots. Head about sixteen inches wide, with a long, black forked tongue and the mouth inside deep red. The hind legs appeared to be used to give it an erect position, and its propelling power is in its tail.

Dr. Lukens said this morning that the boy, his patient, was badly bruised and scratched, horribly frightened, and that he lay in convulsions and spasms until three o’clock this morning, when he fell asleep, but frequently wakened with fright and terror, yet the Doctor thinks he will recover in a few days.

The foregoing is vouched for by the persons whose names are given above, and many more can be given if necessary, the material points having been furnished your correspondent by Judge J. W. Keys, one of our oldest and most influential citizens.

The existence of some of the witnesses (Dr. Lukens, Judge Keys, the Lynch family) named in the article can be confirmed from the 1880 census.

Overall, the description given of the Ohio dragon sound rather similar to a mushkhushshu (formerly, sirrush), an animal repeatedly depicted in ancient Babylonian bas-reliefs (pictured below). These depictions have never been identified as being those of any known living animal.

sirrush A mushkhushshu (Ishtar Gate, Babylon; Image: Allie Caulfield).

No follow-up stories have been found other than this paragraph in Enquirer (Jun. 5, p. 2):

The Rev. Jacob Howe, Judge Keys, Dr. Lukens and others have received letters from all parts of the country making inquiries concerning the snake story published in the Enquirer of Monday last. For the benefit of the public we state that Joseph Lynch, the boy referred to, is now able to walk about, with the aid of a crutch, however, and a hunt is still going on for the venomous reptile. The Enquirer has been in universal demand here ever since, and the case has excited unprecedented talk.

A story appearing a few days later (Jun. 10, p. 9) in the Enquirer seems to cast some light on what this animal might have been. It was a report from New York discussing a python in captivity there that had laid a clutch of eggs. The mother's length was given as 25 feet. So it's conceivable that an escapee python took up residence in the woods of Ohio. Pythons, too, have legs, albeit small ones that do not function in locomotion. So any such explanation fails to explain the four-foot legs mentioned in the Enquirer report.

Another serpentine monster >>

A minotaur in Ohio >>

Supplement 1

The Lancashire Dragon

The following appeared in the Newcastle Weekly Courant (Newcastle upon Tyne, England, Oct. 10, 1730, p. 3, col. 1):

By Letters from Blackstone Edge, in Lancashire, we are inform'd, that a Brute Animal has been seen there, which they call a Snake; but by the bigness it seems to be of another Species. It is said to be six Yards long, and two Yards over. The Shepherds in the neighboring Villages have lost several of their Sheep and Lambs, which they imagine to have been destroy'd by this Animal.

A subsequent report in the same publication (Weekly Courant, Oct. 31, 1730, p. 1, cols. 2 & 3) tells how a dragonlike creature was tracked down and killed on Blackstone Edge:

From Batins near Blackstone Edge, Oct. 18

The Brute Animal mention'd in this Paper, to be seen upon Blackstone Edge in Lancashire was Yesterday kill'd upon the High Moors near that Place, where there were a vast Number of People with all Sorts of portable Weapons. This Brute is of a terrible Shape: It has 4 short Feet, resembling those of a Crocodile, it measures in Length 16 Foot 3 Inches, and in Thickness proportionable, It's Head is shaped like that of a fish called a Pike, has 2 Rows of prodigious sharp and large Teeth, the Body covered over with large Bright Scales, very hard, and seemingly impenetrable, a great many small Shot was fired but to no Purpose; the death Wound this Monster recieved was with an Otter-Spear, that luckily smote between the softest Scales on one Side of it's Belly; the Shepherds have lost a great many Sheep, which were devour'd by this Monster; but from whence it came cannot be conceived. These Moors are vastly great and unpassable in many Places: This Monster is carried to Manchester, to be hung up in the College, to be view'd by the Curious.

moorland English moorland.

Supplement 2

A pterodactyl-like creature captured in Washington

The following appeared in the Alta, California, Daily (July 8, 1874, p. 1, col. 5):

A Feathered “What Is It”

A nondescript bird was shot in Tacoma, Washington Territory, on Saturday, June 20th, by two ladies, Mrs. Harper, recently from Seattle, and Mrs. Emma Kauffman of Tacoma. The creature was only disabled by the shot, and the ladies, thinking it was an owl, bravely assayed to capture it, but it seems they woke up tartar. It sprang, kangaroo-like, upon the women, and fastened its teeth in tbe arm of Mrs. Kauffman, and retained its hold until it was choked to death by their united efforts. The wound inflicted was quite severe and painful. This monstrosity measured from tip to tip of the wings, 5 feet 7 ½ inches; diameter of eye, 1 ⅜ inches; length of ears, 4 ½ inches; its feet and toes wen each 1 foot 3 inches long, armed with six powerful talons. Its beak resembled that of a goose, except that it was pointed and filled with teeth, incisors and grinders. Mrs. Harper has taken this strange bird to San Francisco.

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