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Root Word Dictionary is the largest online dictionary of word roots. Here, you'll find the meanings of all the Greek and Latin root words commonly used in constructing biological and medical terminology. The list is alphabetical, which lets you look roots up even if you're not sure about their exact spellings. In the index above, click on the first letter of the root you seek. You can also use the automated search engine, which searches the entire root dictionary (click on the search link at the top of this page).
To understand how Greek and Latin roots word are used in constructing terminology:
The Greek and Latin roots listed in this dictionary are words from which the prefixes and suffixes used in constructing biological terminology are frequently derived. Often, multiple prefixes and suffixes are based on a single root. In general, the components used in constructing scientific terminology and med terms are either of Latin or Greek derivation. In building these terms, scientists have traditionally avoided hybrid terms combining word parts derived from Latin roots with other parts derived from Greek roots (although this rule has not been as strictly followed in recent years).
Notice: We've moved our root word finder to a separate web page. To search for Greek and Latin roots, please click here to access this dictionary’s automated root finder at its new location.
To cite this publication: McCarthy, E. M. 2013. Root Word Dictionary. (Add access date).